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Grupo Profissional

Público·160 membros

Brenda Fassie Soon And Very Soon

Refrain:Soon and very soon, we are going to see the KingHallelujah, Hallelujah, we are going to see the KingNo more dying there, we are going to see the KingHallelujah, Hallelujah, we are going to see the King

Brenda Fassie Soon and Very Soon


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Brenda Nokuzola Fassie was born in Langa, Cape Town on 3 November 1964,[5] the youngest of nine children. She was named after the American singer Brenda Lee.[5] Her father died when she was only two years old; with the help of her mother, a pianist, she soon started earning money by singing for tourists. 041b061a72


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